Friday, April 11, 2008

Testimony of Truth . . . Let the Record Show . . .

So, what is your testimony? Maybe today your thinking "I don't really have a testimony, my life is just kind of okay." Be encouraged, if the only testimony you can ever give is that He saved you, oh my goodness, that is the best. You have a testimony to give, no one can take it from you, be bold to stand and give it, because our testimonies help us overcome. (Revelation 12:11)

When we give a testimony about the goodness and the faithfulness of our Lord, He is praised and honored. When we live our lives in such a way that they are a testimony of the grace and presence of our God, He is praised and glorified.

So here is something for you to think about and comment on if you'd like:

  • So we know that when we speak of the goodness of God in our lives it helps us to overcome the things of this world. With that being the case, then why is it so hard at times to give our testimonies?

I know for myself that sometimes it is just hard to say what is on my heart. Sometimes I am concerned about what others will think. So how do we overcome that tendency?

To all who were there this morning ~~ thank you so much for sharing your heart. I can't wait to hear more of what the Lord is doing in your life in the weeks to come. Please let this blog be yours. Comment, let us know what you think.

You Guys are Awesome!! And we love you,

C & D